Product Description
“Cameron’s FasterEFT Session”
In this video presentation, we watch Robert Smith use FasterEFT to help Cameron with release his drug addiction. This is a full 1 hour and 23 min FasterEFT session by Robert Smith at the Habilitat Inc Drug and Rehab center in Hawaii. You’ll see how Robert uses the power of FasterEFT to help Cameron release the emotional childhood pain surrounding his schizophrenic alcoholic and drug addicted father.
“Wixie’s FasterEFT Session”
In Wixie’s Session, you will follow her journey from a sexually abused frightened child, through an adult life of drug abuse and stealing from others, and experience her pain of guilt, confusion, and lack of self-worth. Robert leads her from a confused and turbulent past to healing in the present, using the power of FasterEFT for self-forgiveness.
“Greg’s FasterEFT Session”
From being abandoned by his mother at an early age, sexual abuse by foster parents, drug problems and a life-long pattern of making bad choices, Greg is guided by Robert to go inside and learn to replace these negative memories with positive affirmations of self-love and forgiveness††a poignant and dynamic session!
“Full Addiction Session with Alvin”
In the Full Addiction Session With Alvin, Robert conducts an emotionally- charged interview and helps Alvin face a painful range of memories from an abusive father, incarceration, drug and alcohol addiction, loss of family and depression; tapping on each one to completion. With Alvin, we learn that, regardless of the intensity of the problem, it is our choice to continue old habits, or choose new ones to set us free.
“Stop Smoking Now”
You will be amazed as Robert Smith uses FasterEFT to help Susan discover that smoking is not an addiction but an emotional coping mechanism she has used since childhood to deal with her pain and disappointments. Learn how to eliminate the desire to smoke by getting rid of the emotional triggers that make you reach for that next cigarette. Susan has been smoke-free since October 2010! Want to stop smoking? This is for you!
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